
Store layout and distribution of retail equipments

Founded in 1963, Rétif was a European leader in the distribution of equipment and supplies to small and medium-sized retail businesses. At the time of Abenex’s acquisition, the company offered a broad range of products including fixtures (displays, furniture and racks), packaging (bags, adhesives), tickets and labels, decorative items, and other office and maintenance supplies. The company had two primary distribution channels: Cash and carry outlets “Rétif Equipment” with over 90 stores, the majority of which were owned, located in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and the UK – Mail-order: based in the UK, Morplan was the leader in equipment supply to the textile industry (tags, ticketing, display aids, hangers)

Datum van kapitaalinvestering

September 2007

Type overeenkomst

Third LMBO



Aantal werknemers


Datum van overdracht

October 2014

Type overdracht

Sale to Pragma